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Please feel free to get in touch by any of the following mechanisms and we'll sort this out as soon as possible
- File an issue on GitHub
- Get in touch via MartinCo#6402 on discord (132nd.MartinCo on 132nd Discord or on Hoggit, DCS and others)
- Get in touch via eMail:
- MartinCo
Welcome to Data Card Builder v2.
This is a Mission Data Card (MDC) generator / builder for DCS with support for importing routes, loadouts and more from CombatFlite or routes from Google Earth, editing navigation waypoints, assigning loadout (including weights) and custom images for notes secctions and more.
It generates multi-page PDF or per-page PNG files that are suitable for immediate kneeboard use within DCS and includes a A-10C CDU DataLoader compatible file when the A-10C is selected
It was born out of a desire to make my own life easier building MDCs in a reasonable timeframe and I hope you find it of use!
If you have any trouble, feature requests or other items of interest, please feel free to
- File an issue on GitHub
- Get in touch via MartinCo#6402 on discord (132nd.MartinCo on 132nd Discord or on Hoggit, DCS and others)
- Get in touch via eMail:
- MartinCo
Data Sources
Mission Communication
This is a small application which can automatically enter waypoints for the F/A-18C using the mdc-loader.json which is supplied with the PDF / PNG download zip archive
This is *very* alpha at the moment and the source will be put on github in due course
- Currently only supports F/A-18C
- All valid waypoints will be entered
- Invalid or empty waypoints will be ignroed and skipped
- It will continue to enter next waypoint gaps in the MDC will be honored in-pit
- Waypoints will be entered starting at the currently selected waypoint
- To ensure consistency, ensure WP0 is selected (default at startup)
- If you wish to skip WP 0 (e.g. loading prior to alignment), have a blank item on the waypoints page and it will be skipped on data entry
- Bullseye will be loaded into WP59 (why having WP0 selected is important for this)
- Sequence currently uses all valid waypoints and ignores what's in the sequence box
- When I update the Waypoints tab to manually create sequences these will be honored
- Right now as a free-form text entry box it's too much data sanitation
- the-paid-actor's DCS-DTC from which the current mdc-data-loader's LUA component was derived
- This will likely be rewritten to facilitate other features but was used to speed up PoC